November 2013 - When I was 18 my boyfriend (now husband) and I had an unintentional pregnancy. Around 12 weeks, I started to experience some bleeding. We went into emerg because we didn't really know what was happening. It turned out I was having a miscarriage.
When we finally we saw the doctor he asked if this was a planned pregnancy, we told him it wasn't. He responded with "well this is a silver lining then" I was in such shock that I didn't hear anything he said after that. I just remember bawling the rest of the time we were there.
I remember one nurse asked why I was so upset and I told her what that doctor said to me and she tried to comfort me, but it was too late by then... I didn't feel lucky, I didn't feel like this was a good thing. We both felt like shit. We were young at the time but we were excited and so committed to this child we lost, nobody losing a child is thinking it's a "silver lining".
I felt like I had no one to connect to after that. Others viewed it as a good thing for me. I felt all the pain that comes along with miscarriage. That man would never know the pain and loss I felt in that moment and yet he felt it was alright to tell me that this was something I should actually be happy about. It took me a long time to be okay again.
I was young and so upset and I honestly didn't know I could complain about something like that. I just wanted to go home.
I just want to thank who ever is taking the time to read these ladies' stories and put all this together. I didn't think it would be so hard to look back on my situation so I can only imagine how all these other women feel sharing their painful memories. Thank you for taking the time for this. It's so easy to not talk about traumatic experiences, but it's the only way we can make things better. Thank you so much, you are going to help so many women and families.
Submitted by Jessica