
Katie's Story - McMaster Children's Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario

“To give an idea of how much blood I lost... I was severely anemic for almost 1 and 1/2 years after having my son. My hemoglobin was so low they weren't going to release me.

But this is when the most heartbreaking thing happened. I wasnt even clear to be released and we were told my son was lowest priority in the neonatal unit and was being transported to St. Catherine's, an hour or so away from our home.

My husband and I were devastated I contacted the hospital management and filed a complaint. But this did nothing. They took him without our expressed consent.”

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Melissa's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

“I was 28 years old, having my first baby so I did not know what to expect. I thought the care I received was the standard of care for everyone. It wasn’t until I had my daughter 11 months later with a different doctor & nurse that I realized how much of an impact they had on my first childbirth experience. I can’t help but think that if I was treated with respect & care I wouldn’t have had such bad postpartum depression.”

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A's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"My first child, I was 18 years old. I told the doctors I felt I needed to push. My body just took over. A nurse held her hand over my mouth and pinched my nose so I would stop. I was also told by a nurse that if I cried while in the maternity ward, they would label me as unfit and would risk intervention by CAS as I was young."


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Crystal's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"When I finally went into labour, there was meconium present in my amniotic fluid. At that time I had agreed on a family doctor delivering my daughter, not an OB/GYN like I should've in the first place. He was late showing up and looked worn-out and disheveled in appearance."


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Jesica's Story - St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton

"We found out before her first birthday that she has cerebral palsy, epilepsy and also has a unilateral hearing loss that has progressed to profound (meaning that her ear doesn't work at all, even with a hearing aid) I cant help but think that this was caused by her delivery. No one is willing to say that though." 


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Tara's Story - McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton

"It shouldn’t matter a person's background whether married or not and no doctor should say so openly they think someone had a stillborn. That moment alone devastated me. My baby didn’t die and for the most part was healthy. A persons age doesn’t determine if they are good or bad parents either." 


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